Core Performance is a New Zealand company established to provide our clients with optimised movement technology. From rehabilitation patients through to high performance athletes, we provide products and support material to empower our clients to independently self-manage their healing and training. With the backing of decades of scientific research, we provide the equipment to effectively improve agility and performance for all. Core Performance specialises in providing essential tools for physiotherapists to personal trainers, sports coaches to sports participants and elite athletes, enhancing movement outcomes in the most effective way.
Adam graduated as a New Zealand PGA Golf Professional in 2008. Based at the Takapuna Golf Course, Adam is the owner and operator of Coaches Inc., a business providing golf coaching, services and products to learners of all ages and abilities. Adam has a particular passion for working with children, some as young as 3 years old, and with beginner to competitive recreational adult golfers. Adam has an entertaining and engaging manner, and has established a strong pedagogical approach in his coaching. Close to Adam’s heart is ensuring his clients are engaged in purposeful training when practising outside of coaching sessions in a way whereby players can receive feedback and make adjustments that develops their movement and performance. This goal highlighted the necessity of working with high quality training tools. It is the culmination of these factors that set him on the pathway of founding Core Performance. On the personal front, Adam is happily married to his beautiful wife Micaela who are both kept busy by their highly active toddler, Emerson and mischievous schnauzer, Chelsea.
Bryce is the Director of Bay Physiotherapy Centre in Tauranga and has been practising physiotherapy since graduating from the Otago School of Physiotherapy in 1982. Bryce specialises in working with golfers and is the high performance physio for Golf New Zealand, a role he has held since 2009. As a member on the academic board of 'Gravity Fit', Bryce traveled to the US in 2015 to assist on Gravity Fit courses alongside Caroline Richardson- world renowned Australian Professor of Physiotherapy and developer of the GravityFit system. It is from his involvement with GravityFit and using the equipment daily in the clinic injury rehab environment through to general wellness and high performance that has led Bryce to teaming up with Adam and the formation of Core Performance. Bryce is supported by his wife Sharon and has three adult children. He enjoys tennis and loves the golf challenges while living an active lifestyle on their 3 acres.